May 31, 2022
Are you a millnennial mom who constantly feels exhausted, overworked and no zest for life? Well you're not alone.
Today I'm dissecting the 4 reasons I see burnout happening and what conversations we need to have to erradicate it.
The four topics I cover are:
1. Millennial moms are doing more childcare and household work than their partner. A recent study found that millennial moms do twice as much work as their male counterpart during the hours that both partners are home. They were raised in the era that told women they could do anything and they took that as they should do EVERYTHING.
2. Millennial moms are working beyond their job description and not getting paid for it. Millennial women were joining the work force during the Great Recession. They feel grateful just to have employment and their superiors know it.
3. Millennial moms are doing to much for friends and family. Whether it's saying yes to every family party they get invited to or always answering the phone when they're energy-sucking cousin calls, they do too much for others and end up exhausted and resentful.
4. Millennial moms never want their kids to feel disappointment so they stop at nothing to give them everything they never had. At the expensive of all their free time and resources.
Since I am pivoting, I will be revampoing my coaching packages over the next several weeks. So now through June 15th, I'll be offering a 50% discount code on any of my current coaching packages. Use code UM50 at checkout.